
Create, manage and distribute audio, music, video and photographic mixed media, digital albums for artists, instructors and performers with a simple waive of your smartphone.


The applicant’s survival Kit® with Streaming Video interview, live connect and conferencing tools for applicants in the Job Market.  Take a peek into what is driving today’s job market.


Recordable QR Code linking to Audio, Video and Photos, you record right from your smartphone. Send one today for free. It’s as easy as peel, point, shoot and send.


The worlds first shopping cart, order/inventory  manager and ERP/POS built right into your product barcode. Now customers can bypass the retail store supply chain and save big. 


Ticket Extensions or Tickext is the worlds first ERP/Pos platform to attach artist’s materials directly to concert tickets, merchandise, and printed surfaces to engage fans with the artist’s content.

Email us or Call
Silicone Valley (408) 944-5994
Silicon Prairie (913) 544-7426

Have Questions? Feel free to reach out and discuss how we can help your business grow.

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