Connect with the future of digital music content distribution through a hybrid W3 Platform - Indie level freedom with IoT designed for recording artists.

Preview new applications designed to run from a W3 decentralized framework, built in Rust, Solidity jQuery, PHP and more. We now offer full integration and license of several of our developments that can fit into your product roadmap plans. From marketing and augmented merchandising  combining mL/Ar (Machine Learning / Augmented Reality) channel development to discover unrealized revenues coming from everyday objects already in your supply chain. Allow us to show you what we can do through our demos pages inside.


Our new application framework, built using a hybrid stack that combines rust, solidity and jQuery to mint tokens that makes use of ERC20 compliment, ethereum and smart contracts on various blockchain platform. low cost to no cost transactions are the future of Dapp development, opening up new opportunities for NFT minting and incredible cross platform integrations. Our core framework is designed from the ground up to take advantage of the latest in on-demand caching, data sharding and other techniques to offer the best possible view experience, and decentralized applications can pull data handlers from data centers located wherever node demand exists without the need for a central authority.

It's a very exciting time to be in software development. The use of Web3 frameworks and custom modules are a first in a new series of apps  designed to merge augmented experiences with real world environments while minting and exchanging Tokens that can be used for merchandising, promoting, enhancing or delivering brand new hybrid experiences.

We are not talking about possibilities only existing on a whiteboard, but working apps running in the real world that you can experience today. We have created the worlds first set of tools designed to simplify their creation quickly and affordably as well as implement a reporting framework for real-time access to content performance. It is the new distribution medium designed for recording artists, musicians, performers, and other digital rights holders looking to eliminate waste and generate more revenue from unrealized sources. 

The Songtracks framework includes a distribution function that pulls data directly from each smart-contract instantly in a transparent way that all parties to each contract can view reports about any number of inquiries they make in real-time, while also providing incredible features that are today creating new distribution channels for digital assets. This goes far beyond traditional click, brick and mortar retailers supply chains. It's like an automated, transparent, record label where fee's are negotiated once and revenue streams compile into a working wage for the creative arts community.

We've designed our framework to run up to 9 decimal points in each contract which opens the door for much larger opportunities and a much bigger scope of the kinds of services that can be brought to your implementation. Couldn't come at a better time for an industry needing to reinvent itself or fall to the ethers of time.

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(913) 544-74265 or